We had a short term team of 4 come from Woodside church in the Detroit area stay with us for about 2 weeks.  The team brought us new Jesus film equipment which we showed with them in villages and a refugee camp.  Before the film we shared the gospel with them going door to door.  Several hundred in these villages and refugee camp watched the film with enthusiasm.  In one of the churchless villages where we went they have requested WSL to come often and help them start a church.  We are sending teams to this village for continued evangelism and discipleship. 
With the Woodside team we also did our first install of water filters.  So many Liberians drink from swamps, creeks, and holes.  As you can see from the video they were drinking muddy water you would not even want to step in.   We have 100’s of these filters and plan on distributing them in many of the villages we work in.

Our printing press is running great we print and distribute about 100,000 pages a month.  Our MI team also assisted in the printing and producing of manuals.

During the filter distribution we were sharing the gospel.  We also distributed bracelets with the gospel picture on them for the people to remember, pray and teach.  To receive the bracelet they had to be able to repeat the gospel.  Many are illiterate.  This teaching and the bracelets helps them to teach and evangelize.

Our school was packed.  In the past we usually have 20-30 students.  This month we had over 70 at times and graduated 66 from the two week class.  There are 4 levels of training each lasting two weeks.  Level 1 is the basic doctrines, level 2 is on discipleship, level 3 is on the church and level 4 is on being and going as a missionary. 

We continue so send out teams into the villages preaching, teaching, discipling and starting churches.

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