“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”
Hosea 4:6
“Jesus answered them, “How wrong you are! And do you know why? It is because you don’t know the Scriptures or God’s power.”
Mark 12:24
A large percentage of the spiritual leaders of West Africa live in small, isolated communities, are barely able to read and have no formal Bible training. The result is good hearted, passionate, loving, false teachers. They lack the knowledge, don’t know the scriptures and have faulty interpretations. One of the missions of Wordsower Africa is to disciple and train leaders. We do that through our Wordsower Bible Institute. Our central school is on our main base in Zwedru, Liberia. But we also have our mobile Bible institute that travels and teaches in Ivory Coast, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. Wordsower Bible Institute this month trained 243 in 3 locations, and in 2 countries. The people are very happy with the training. Many of them were Muslims who were seeking for the truth. After the training numerous former Muslims made a commitment to stay with a local church and be baptized”
Video and Report from Mite.org
Mite is a foundation that goes throughout the world, led by God, looking for unknown isolated, worthy ministries and makes them known to a group of united donors. They found us, donated to us and came to visit us. They purchased for us, this year, 10 new motorbikes. Below is their report and a 6-minute video. Visit them at Mite.org. They wrote:
“In the heart of Liberia’s rainforest, there are five tribes that live without knowing Jesus died to give them eternal life. Every day, Liberian missionaries — or as we call them, “Revival Riders” — travel miles on motorbikes along rugged, muddy trails through the rainforest to bring the Gospel to these unreached tribes. Our giving community provided ten motorbikes that made their missions possible. They are leading tens of thousands to Jesus Christ — there is simply nothing better than that. We hope you’ll take a moment to watch the Celebration Video — you won’t want to miss the incredible impact made by the grace of God.”
The Mite Team
Wordsower Africa says thank you, Mite! Your donation allows us to bring the gospel of Christ to unreached tribes in isolated remote communities (The 6-minute video below is best seen on a computer).
Praise God! We have purchased our first vehicle
In our 15 years of existence, Wordsower Africa has never had a vehicle because the road conditions have been too severe. But the government is now working on the roads. They are rapidly improving. We had asked you, our donors, to assist us with the purchase of a new Land Cruiser. It is the vehicle of choice for the conditions of Liberia. It is the only vehicle that is able to make it through our gauntlet of mud. Our request was for $50,000 and after a few weeks our request was exceeded. We now also have enough to also build a garage. Thank you, donors!
The Land Cruiser does not replace our bikes it supplements. Bikes will continue to be a primary mode of transport. It is being shipped from Gibraltar and should arrive mid-February.
Below is a short 30 second video of our Liberian roads and a Land Cruiser in action. But, donors, know I will not take our new vehicle through such destructive conditions, even though it is able. When the road is this bad, we will park our vehicle and use motorbikes.
Testimonies from our indigenous missionaries sent into the unreached tribes:
(Our base leaders’ testimonies have been slightly edited)
“Around 6:30, while we were in prayer, Prince Dordor came and confessed that he had been with the Society for 38 years. (The Society is an animistic demon/devil centered religion). He was initiated when he was six years old and from that day, he had never cut his hair. Later, he became the head Devil of the Society. After watching the Jesus film and listening to us teach scripture, he had us cut his hair. Then he brought the mask and clothes of the Society devil and we burnt them. We then went down to the water and baptized him. What he did, by burning the devil mask and clothes, is considered a death sentence. The Garley Town people celebrated with him and us and invited us back to do a 5-day training.”
“Musa Kabia is one of our field leaders in Madina Village. Through him we have baptized over 100 people. He assisted us in showing the Jesus film several times in the adjacent communities, he conducts church services, and has gone on many missions in the surrounding churchless villages and towns. Wordsower planted a church in Matoko village through his influence. Musa is developing a large heart according to the doctor’s report. Yesterday and today, we gathered around him and prayed for our Lord to intervene in his case. His has a wife and a two-year-old male child. He needs your supportive prayers.”
“Last night, while the Jesus film was showing we received such a wonderful testimony from an elderly lady by the name of Ma Jenneh. She is blind. She said that as our team was showing last night, while in her room resting, she started listening to the message. She listened when Jesus was teaching and talking to his disciples, telling them about the good news. So, because of this she came and sit near us to better listen. It was amazing and wonderful according to this old lady. She asked God for mercy and from that point she gave her life to Jesus Christ, accepted him as her Savior. She told Wordsower Africa thanks and blessed God for us so much.”
“We had two days training in the churchless, unreached town of Goghen in Bomi County, Liberia. The Muslims have two mosques there. We had 158 people in attendance. People came from other villages and towns.”
“Today as we gathered in prayer and fasting, something miraculous happened. The Holy Spirit brought to us Sister Adama Bangura, a Muslim from birth. She confessed Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.
We immediately took her to the creek and had her baptized. There is a rejoicing in heaven for the repentance of an Islamic soul. After the baptism, Adama told us that she has been wishing to be a Christian, but her both parents are Muslims and always rebuked her to not to accept Christianity. She very is very happy to be baptized and go to church. Join us in prayer with our new convert, Adama Bangura. We are moved as led by the Spirit of God to make the gospel available to every person for the glory of God.”
Our testimonies are beautiful examples of faith, love and sacrifice. They are numerus. At the bottom of our report will be additional testimonies for those who want to read more.
Participate with us in praise and prayer:
Praise: For donors that gave for us to get a new Land Cruiser
Praise: For Mite.org that provided funding for 10 new motorbikes
Praise: Churchless towns of unreached tribes are begging for us to come. There is an avalanche of requests!
Pray: For Musa Kabia, one of our power leaders that has an enlarged heart and is very sick
Pray: For increased donations so that we may continue to advance into unreached tribes.
Pray: For our indigenous missionary teams, that they will continue to fearlessly, boldly, and sacrificially advance the gospel.
Pray: For us, as we march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord’s message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.
Information about Donations:
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January. Kim Smith is fully self-funded; no donations are used for his support.

Online Donations:
Postal Donations:
Please make checks payable to Wordsower Africa and mail to:
Wordsower Africa
P.O. Box 1112
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
For questions or problems with donations contact our board treasurer:
Bryan Bame: (248) 971-3650.
Kim Smith’s contact information is:
WhatsApp – +231-7757-89662
Signal app – +231-7757-89662
VOIP: (248) 594-2609
Ministry Report for October:
4 – Countries (Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Liberia)
7 – Bases: 4 in Liberia, 1 in Sierra Leone, 1 in Ivory Coast, 1 in Guinea
22 – Total counties we ministered in
216 – Times we entered communities/villages/towns/cities to minister
31 – Churches we visited and worked with
0 – Churches started
159 – Total mission trips
92 – Persons were baptized
841 – Public confessions of Christ and prayers for salvation
56 – Level 1 class of WBI was held in Ivory Coast
106 – Level 3 class of WBI was held in Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia
81 – Level 5 class of WBI was held in Grand Gedeh County, Liberia
553 – Attended our 1-3 days workshops-training in 14 locations.
7 – Bible Marking completion
13,099 – Viewed the Jesus Film, shown 47 locations, shown 50 times
4 – Community Radio stations broadcasting on
26 – Dental patients, 30 teeth pulled
8 – Optical clients
23,500 – Press report, Copies printed, 356 manuals made (English and French). Not all copies printed were made into manuals

An additional testimony
This is Moses Jaryenneeh’s story. He is a husband, father, Wordsower Africa press operator, & Revival Rider.
Moses has been working with Wordsower Africa since 2013. He oversees their printing operations on their Zwedru base. His job is imperative as they use the printing press to print Bible lessons for field leaders to take on mission, distributing them to all Wordsower bases using motorbikes.
Moses first met Wordsower Africa and its founder, Kim Smith, in 2009. Kim made nine-hour treks mostly on foot between Zwedru and Pynes town to preach the Gospel. It was during one of his meetings that Moses received his first Bible and Bible lessons. Through Moses’s studying, an intense passion was stirred up in him, and he began carrying the Word of God, teaching, from village to village.
One of these lessons caught Pynes Town’s animistic society’s attention. Titled “Dancing with the Devil,” the text specifically called out the demonic evil in animistic beliefs. The society arrested Moses and carried him to the Zoe bush (a place where the animistic society meets and performs sacrifices and rituals). They stripped him naked and beat him nearly to death. Moses was able to miraculously escape and ran through the jungle, wounded and naked. By the time he reached the main road, again miraculously, Wordsower’s team happened to be riding by, an hour and a half from our base at the exact time he entered the road naked and bleeding. Our leader shared his clothes with him and brought him back to our Zwedru base. After Moses left, the society destroyed everything he owed by knocking down his house, spoiling his farm, and ensuring he had nothing to return to.
Even so, Moses is thankful for the events that brought him to be with Wordsower Africa. Now, he, his wife, Patience, and their four children live in Zwedru, and Moses dedicates every day to bringing people to Christ by going on missions and running our printing press.
Moses says his favorite Bible story is Moses, and not because it is his namesake. He loves the story because Moses is an example that when God calls you, you have no excuse not to do what He asks of you. In the Bible, Moses gave God excuse after excuse, and again and again, God reminded Moses that he wasn’t doing it through his own abilities. The Moses of Wordsower Africa uses this story as a daily reminder; he says, “As long as I’m alive, there is no excuse that I can give to God. I can go on mission anytime, anyway.”