Hello team,

Merry Christmas!  Not going to be a white Christmas here for sure. Missing the cold and snow.

In the middle of November we had a team come from Valley Bible Church in California.  They brought us evangelistic literacy material for the villages of the resistance Muslim unreached tribes.  This is a report of what our indigenous missionary team has done with the material:

40 students in Wacco village
45 students in Gbarnga village
35 students in Falice village
35 students in Nagbena village
30 students in Wangekor village
30 students in Kpenegee village
30 students Kohima Fanullah village

That is a total of 7 villages and 245 students!!! Every teaching session the students will also hear Bible stories and the truth of who Jesus Christ is.

Word has gotten out about what we are doing in these 7 villages and it has created a wonderful problem.  There are now many villages in this region begging us to come to them!!!  These villages are from the Vai, Gola and Mende unreached Muslim tribes that had rejected us in the past. 

In January we will be printing many more literacy manuals and train several more of our new disciples on how to teach literacy to these villages. 

I’m reminded of the verse in 2 Chronicles 12:32, “Men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.”  Our duty is to show up in obedience, watch and listen to the Holy Spirit.  He reveals and gives understanding as to what we should do.  Paul did that on his missionary journey to Athens.  He showed up, looked around and allowed our Lord to give him understanding of the times.  It says in Acts 17:23 that as he was walking around in their city, he saw their objects of worship and an altar to an unknown god.  He used this knowledge, acquired by just showing up, to share the gospel of our Lord with this unreached people group. “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7.  Praise God, our Sovereign Lord has revealed to us His plan to reach these tribes.

In West Africa there are 393 unreached tribes of 147 million people.  Liberia has 5 unreached tribes.  We have an indigenous missionary team working in 3 of them.  Next year, Lord willing, if funds are available, we will put two more indigenous missionary teams in the other 2 unreached tribes. Only about 5 cents out of every $100 given for missions is for reaching the unreached tribes.

Below is a link of our video of a Muslim man being baptized.  You can also see past videos by searching Wordsower Africa on YouTube.

Watch Video Here

Please remember to keep us in prayer. 

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Please make checks payable to the “Woodside Vision Foundation” designating “Wordsower Africa” on the memo line of the check. Please include your name and address for the receipt, if the information is not already on the check. Mail to:                   
Woodside Vision Foundation
6600 Rochester Road
Troy Michigan 48085

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