“My heart’s desire… is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness.
Romans 10:1-3
Paul wrote that his people had a great desire for God but not the knowledge of Him. Thus, they did what they thought was right, but they were wrong. In West Africa we see the same problem. The people here are filled with passion and sacrifice but do not know God’s word or His ways. The prophet Samuel said to King Saul, “To obey is better than sacrifice… Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you.” 1 Samuel 15:22-23. Jesus corrected the Jewish spiritual leaders. He said, “How wrong you are! And do you know why? It is because you don’t know the Scriptures or God’s power.” Mark 12:24.
Wordsower Africa’s passion and mission is to bring the truth of God, His ways, and purposes to the four West African countries that we have been assigned. We send our indigenous missionary teams out to do regional trainings. In 2023 we had 8,500 attend our 1-10 day trainings on discipleship and church leadership.
Testimonies from those we have taught: “After one of our teachings, we called for testimonies. One of the pastor’s said, what he had learned these last two days, if he would have known this before, my Christian faith and the church I pastor would have been God’s Church. He continued to say, thank God for Wordsower Africa, because this is the time the Lord made known to him the truth. Another female Church leader said that in all her days in Church, she had been hearing false teachings and believing man-made doctrine. She thanks God for Wordsower, for bringing the true gospel of Jesus Christ. They are pleading for Wordsower to bringing more teachings to them.”

Article 1
U.S. Confronts Failures as Terrorism Spreads in West Africa
Eric Schmitt and Ruth Maclean
Fri, June 7, 2024
“Militant groups that have declared allegiance to al-Qaida and the Islamic State and are on the march. Military coups have toppled civilian-led governments in Mali, Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger. The new leaders have ordered U.S. and French troops out, and in some cases invited Russian mercenaries in to take their place… As the United States withdraws 1,000 military personnel from Niger and shutters a $110 million air base there by September, U.S. officials are scrambling to work with a new set of countries in coastal West Africa to battle a violent extremist insurgency that they perceive is steadily seeping south.”
Sierra Leone, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Liberia are all West African countries where we have indigenous missionary bases. It is known that militant, terrorist groups are now in Guinea and Ivory Coast.
“Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord’s message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
Testimonies from our indigenous missionaries sent into the unreached tribes:
(Our base leaders’ testimonies have been slightly edited)
Testimony from our indigenous missionary team in Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia:
I laugh. Grand Cape Mount County Base has given themselves a name, “Mission possible, the mission of no retreat, no surrender, is moving forward.”
They have finished putting a metal roof up on a new church in Johnson Town. Another town that was once churchless has a church!

Article 2
“To God be the glory, we showed the Jesus film in an unreached community called Veaguye. It is a place of gold mining that was established 3 months ago. As we arrived, the first people we talked with asked us if we came to mine gold, and we told them, we brought to them something that is more than gold which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We met with the town chief and the Imam and informed them that we had come to play the Jesus film. By God’s grace they gave us permission to show it. There was a huge turnout of people both young and old. 220 persons viewed the Jesus film. They received the gospel with an open heart. On our third visit a church was established. They bought a drum for themselves and told us they want to build a temporary structure for worship because the rainy season is upon them. Wordsower, we go to places where others don’t want to go, and where others are afraid to go. Wordsower, we move!!!!”
Article 3
“The first steps are being taken to construct the church building in Worbazu. The men in the town are cutting trees for the walls. They’re happy for Wordsower Africa to bring about church business in their village. The first of its kind since the village has been in existence in the early 70s. The are asking, and praying to God, for Wordsower, to provide them metal roofing sheets and nails. Let’s be in prayer with them.”

Article 4
Testimony from our Indigenous mission team in Lofa County, Liberia
“We thank God for his grace upon us. The people of Banbullo were very happy for what God has done for them through Wordsower Africa. The people never thought that this was going to happen. The pastor said, because of financial issues, that they had decided to forget about the building again this year. But God has performed a miracle by providing the roof and metal sheets and planks through Wordsower Africa. Many thanks!!!

Participate with us in praise and prayer:
Pray: Jacob Holm and Silas Motyka are young men who have joined WSA for 7 months to attend our boot camp training to become the next generation of missionaries. Pray for our Lord to guide them.
Praise: Churchless towns of unreached tribes are begging for us to come. There is an avalanche of requests!
Pray: For increased donations so that we may continue to advance into unreached tribes.
Pray: For our indigenous missionary teams, that they will continue to fearlessly, boldly, and sacrificially advance the gospel.
Pray: As we prepare to create and send another indigenous missionary team to the Muslim unreached tribes of Sierra Leone.
Pray: For us, as we march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord’s message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.
Information about Donations:
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January. Kim Smith is fully self-funded; no donations are used for his support. We have formed a 501c3 tax deductible organization.

Online Donations:
Postal Donations:
Please make checks payable to Wordsower Africa and mail to:
Wordsower Africa
P.O. Box 1112
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
For questions or problems with donations contact our board treasurer:
Bryan Bame: (248) 971-3650.
Kim Smith’s contact information is:
WhatsApp – +231-7757-89662
Signal app – +231-7757-89662
VOIP: (248) 594-2609
Ministry Report for June:
4 – Countries (Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Liberia)
7 – Bases: 4 in Liberia, 1 in Sierra Leone, 1 in Ivory Coast, 1 in Guinea
20 – Total counties we ministered in
266 – Times we entered communities/villages/towns/cities to minister
51 – Churches we visited and worked with
9 – Churches started
151 – Total mission trips
67 – Persons were baptized
7 – Bible Marking completion
1,202 – Public confessions of Christ and prayers for salvation
40 – Level 1 class of WBI
26 – Level 2 class of WBI
579 – Attended our 1-3 days workshop-training
6,758 – Viewed the Jesus Film
3 – Community Radio stations broadcasting on
20 – Dental patients, 30 teeth pulled
3 – Optical clients, 3 glasses provided, 1 client sent to see specialist at the public hospital
44,300 – Press report, Copies printed, 374 booklets made (English and French)