“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5
Wordsower Africa started in 2009, 15 years ago. I, Kim Smith, did not go with a denomination or a mission organization. Our Lord said to go and that together, under His guidance, He would provide. We were a team of a few Liberians and I. Our budget was about $400 a month. We were obedient to the vision given by our Lord. The vision was to walk from village to village evangelizing and discipling. The verse that propelled us was what Jesus said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” And he kept on preaching…” Luke 4:43-44. We would walk 4-8 hours a day going from village to village and slept on the floor using Muslim prayer mats because of our low budget.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalms 119:105. As we have walked in obedience and in the vision given, He has given increased vision and provision. Today, Wordsower Africa has several branches of outreach. But our main focus is training and sending indigenous missionary teams into unreached tribes of 4 countries to evangelize, disciple and church plant. We have 6 indigenous missionary bases in 4 countries assigned to unreached tribes. We are utterly amazed and experiencing more than we ever believed could happen!!! Many thousands have made statements of faith and been baptized. Many resistant unreached tribes, that have been closed to Christianity for unknown generation, now have opened their doors wide to us and the gospel! These unreached closed tribes now beg us to come and start churches in their villages.
We have accomplished this with a fleet of motorbikes. But now, after 15 years, I believe, it is time to get a car. A car will reduce expenses, be safer, reduce road pain on my 67-year-old body, and increase our ability to send out even more missions. No longer would we need to use expensive aircraft, taxis, or transport truck. As I go, monthly, into the capital, Monrovia, to get supplies and do banking, I would drop teams along the road to go from village to village. On my return from Monrovia, I would pick them up. Please be in prayer and see if our Lord would have you sacrifice to help us get a car.
Wordsower Bible Institute Mobile team goes to the people
Wordsower Bible Institute has Bible training classes on our main Zwedru, Liberia base. But we also send out our WSA Bible Institute Mobile Team to other counties, countries and bases. We go to the people. Young, old, male, female, literate and illiterate are all welcome.
Paul said this about his Jewish people, “I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge.” Romans 10:1. We see this wherever we go. West Africa has a great zeal for God but not the Biblical knowledge of God. Thus, there is much false teaching, confused faith and church failures. Jesus said to the people, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” Matthew 22:29. The video, less than 3 minutes, shows one of our Bible Institute classes.
Testimonies from our indigenous missionaries sent into the unreached tribes:
(Our base leaders’ testimonies have been slightly edited)
“Our aim is to bring people to faith, inviting them into a personal relationship with God and salvation through Christ. We are actively engaged in sharing our faith by teaching and preaching to tribals groups, towns, villages and individuals who may have little or no exposure to the Bible and the truth of Christ.”
“We are on the battlefield for the Lord as fearless soldiers moving fearlessly with the gospel. We have had a wonderful and successful church service today in the feared, secret and evil society village of Makorogbo. 75 persons attended the church. A little boy, Idrissa Koroma, raised his hand and asked the pastor to allow him to testify to the goodness of God in his life. To our greatest surprise, little Idrissa said he desired to be a pastor because he loves preaching and praying. I wondered why a little kid like Idrissa Koroma talked like a mature grown-up man. I believed it was God that spoke through Him. Let us be in prayer for little Idrissa Koroma and the entire Makorogbo community church. I wish I could speak the local language of these in the unreached Limba tribe.”
“We are deeply and passionately making the gospel available to the churchless unreached villages of the Themne and Soso people. Many thanks to our energetic teams for multiple successful missions. Wordsower, we are on the move.”
“A warm welcome to these trained and vigilant servants of our Lord who spent a week-long mission in the unreached churchless villages and towns of Port Loko County. They showed the Jesus film in the churchless village of Rotapuru. More than 300 people viewed it in their Themne language. While on their mission, the Lord led them to 11 different villages and places. They have organized morning and evening devotions in 5 different villages and had church services twice in the central village of Rogberay.
“Sis Naomi was a new believer. Her father was a medicine man and agreed for her to be baptized. Afterwards her father asked us to show him the place his daughter was baptized. It brought about a turning point in his life. Later his daughter explained to him about Jesus and the gospel. That He died to forgive us of our sins. The father confessed his sins, and asked to be forgiven. He asked us to baptize him where his daughter was baptized.”
“The mission in Quaneboni district was successful. It has been our prayer that God should soften the hearts of the Muslim district residents so we will always be allowed to preach the gospel in that district. This district is the Muslim stronghold of the county. There is resistance but we were commanded to preach the gospel the unreached tribes.” “We are in the churchless unreached village of Mabanta, and showed the Jesus film yesterday evening. Attendance was almost 100 people. 16 people put their faith in Christ for salvation and agreed to be baptized that night. This morning 19 showed and were baptized. An elderly man was one of those who was baptized. He has been Muslim since birth. Mabanta village has been headed by a female town chief, called Sarah Conteh, for over 27 years. We believe there is a rejoicing in heaven over the baptism of these 19 souls.

Participate with us in praise and prayer:
Pray: Grand Cape Mount County is having a huge resurgence of the animistic demonic society. They are intimidating and threatening residents to join their secret society. They are using various methods to persecute the church and our indigenous missionary team.
Praise: Churchless towns of unreached tribes are begging for us to come. There is an avalanche of requests!
Pray: For increased donations so that we may continue to advance into unreached tribes.
Pray: For our indigenous missionary teams, that they will continue to fearlessly, boldly, and sacrificially advance the gospel.
Pray: For us, as we march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23.
Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord’s message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.
Information about Donations:
100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January. Kim Smith is fully self-funded; no donations are used for his support. We have formed a 501c3 tax deductible organization.

Online Donations:
Postal Donations:
Please make checks payable to Wordsower Africa and mail to:
Wordsower Africa
P.O. Box 1112
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
For questions or problems with donations contact our board treasurer:
Bryan Bame: (248) 971-3650.
Kim Smith’s contact information is:
WhatsApp – +231-7757-89662
Signal app – +231-7757-89662
VOIP: (248) 594-2609
Ministry Report for July:
4 – Countries (Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Liberia)
7 – Bases: 4 in Liberia, 1 in Sierra Leone, 1 in Ivory Coast, 1 in Guinea
29 – Total counties we ministered in
310 – Times we entered communities/villages/towns/cities to minister
46 – Churches we visited and worked with
2 – Churches started
235 – Total mission trips
220 – Persons were baptized
5 – Bible Marking completion
1,645 – Public confessions of Christ and prayers for salvation
36 – Level 3 class of WBI
42 – Level 4 class of WBI
865 – Attended our 1-3 days workshop-training
10,627 – Viewed the Jesus Film, shown 55 times
3 – Community Radio stations broadcasting on
24 – Dental patients, 29 teeth pulled
6 – Optical clients
71,800 – Press report, Copies printed, 394 manuals made (English and French). Not all copies printed were made into manuals