Our New Toyota Land Cruiser Has Arrived!

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13

Wordsower Africa formed 15 years ago in Liberia. We have over 30 motorbikes but have never had a 4 wheeled vehicle. Our roads have been car destroyers. The government has been seriously working on the roads. During these 15 years of existence, I had never desired to have a car and never prayed for one. A few months ago, our Lord put on my heart the desire for a car. Our team prayed for it and we made an announcement asking for donations. In less than 2 months we had received more than enough for a new Land Cruiser!!! The Land Cruiser is the best car for West African roads.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” When His desires, through our unity, become our desires and in that we pray the desires of our heart then our prayers will be answered. “If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”

1 John 5:14-15.

Donors, also being in unity with the Spirit, were compelled by His Spirit to donate. “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalms 133:1. Such a beautiful testimony of His Church united to accomplish His will. Thank you, Lord, for this gift. Thank you, donors, for listening and obeying. The 3-minute video shows our appreciation and celebration.

Watch on YouTube

Assisting in the construction of church buildings for new congregations

It is best that new congregations unite to construct their own church building. But we encourage by assisting. Typically, we will give $500-$700 and send a team to help. Often, until they have a building they will meet under the trees or in an abandoned buildings in the community.

This is the result of the unity of our Lord’s Church through the giving of donations and working together. We are one family spread throughout the world.

Base Leaders Retreat

Wordsower Africa has 6 indigenous missionary bases, in 4 countries plus our central base. We had a base leader retreat. All base leaders and their spouses attended, 40 in all. We discussed vision, strategy, about living in the continual presence of God and marriage. Below is a 1 ½ minute video of our retreat. 

Watch on YouTube

Testimonies from our Indigenous Missionaries sent into the Unreached Tribes:

(Our base leaders’ testimonies have been slightly edited.)

Wordsower leaders have many refrains:
Go!!! Soldiers of the Lord!! No fear!
We’re led by the Holy Spirit.
Wordsower Africa, we move!!!
Everyone everywhere needs the gospel.
Mission Possible, No retreat, No Surrender!

This is why we go into the unreached tribes, into the strongholds of Satan:|
“Good morning to God’s soldiers. A little update about some strange happenings here in Voinjama City, where our Lofa base is located. Ritualistic killings are becoming too much. In the past month 3 people were brutally murdered. This week an 8-year-old girl was killed, they had removed body parts from her for their rituals. The week before a lady and a 19-year-old boy were also found with their bodies mutilated. The citizens are concerned but the government pays no attention. Our county is a traditional, animistic county. This is our chance, the opportunity given to us to preach and teach the good news that only Jesus Christ can save. We thank God for being assigned to this location. We are moving fearlessly with the gospel. Please keep us in prayer.” 

The Jesus film is a powerful weapon:
“Praise be to God for last night’s mission to one of the unreached churchless communities. We showed the Jesus film. After the film eight people gave their lives to Christ, and this morning we were able to baptize five of them. Abdul Koroma was one of those baptized. He has been a Muslim all 45 years of his life. He said, he wanted to become Christian because through Christ Jesus he would have salvation which he could not find in Muhammad. He said, from now on, he will never step his feet in the Mosque again because he has been called by Christ Jesus. He even promised to bring his 3 Muslim brothers to be baptized. Brother Koroma asked Wordsower to be in prayer with him because he would face many challenges and that his family would cast him out.”

Unreached tribes have been unreached for eons because they are not easy to reach:
“Today we were in Gobowole village, a village WSA has assisted by putting up their church roof. The pastor and a few members told us that it’s not easy to get fully established in the town because the traditional animistic activities of the people are hindering the growth of the church in many ways. The new believers always face suppression from the traditional people. Our team encouraged them and we did a teaching on salvation. We are planning to have a two days training there.”

“With God all things are possible we are grateful to God for the mission in Bomi County, Kandy Town. This is one of the dangerous towns in Suhn Mecca District. It is where the Muslim and traditional animistic leaders have their regional bases. They are in darkness, believing the lies of Satan. Even our first time there our projection equipment was mysteriously damaged and ruined. We were told by Kim, our general, to go back with no fear. We successfully showed the Jesus film and had a 2-day training, 29 attended. Parents force their children to go into the society bush for initiation. There is no one to teach them about God. We are asking for your prayers concerning Kandy Town, that the people will believe, have no fear of accepting Jesus Christ, and be baptized.”

“I will say to those called ‘Not my people,’ ‘You are my people’; and they will say, ‘You are my God.” Hosea 2:23

“2 teams, 4 people, on 2 motorbikes we are heading out to the Muslim, unreached churchless villages of the Themne people. But something strange happened that shocked us. A Muslim woman, moved by the Holy Spirit, came up to them and begin to pray for the teams. I wondered why a Muslim woman would pray for Christians to go into Muslim strongholds to evangelize? Wordsower, we move, as led by the Spirit of God. Everybody everywhere needs to hear the gospel. Go in peace soldiers!!!”

Participate with us in praise and prayer:

Praise: For Prince, who was in the hospital with a brain injury from a bike wreak. He is with us now and is recovering.
Praise: Churchless towns of unreached tribes are begging for us to come. There is an avalanche of requests!
Praise: We have rented a facility for our new base in Sierra Leone. Our 7th indigenous mission base to unreached tribes.
Pray: For increased donations so that we may continue to advance into unreached tribes.
Pray: For our indigenous missionary teams, that they will continue to fearlessly, boldly, and sacrificially advance the gospel.
Pray: For us, as we march into and live within the strongholds of Satan to, “snatch others from the fire and save them.” Jude 1:23
Pray: “Finally, our friends, pray for us that the Lord’s message may continue to spread rapidly and be received with honor, just as it was among you. Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2

Information about Donations:

100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January. Kim Smith is fully self-funded; no donations are used for his support.

Online Donations:

Postal Donations:
Please make checks payable to Wordsower Africa and mail to:
Wordsower Africa
P.O. Box 1112
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

For questions or problems with donations contact our board treasurer:
Bryan Bame: (248) 971-3650.

Kim Smith’s contact information is:
WhatsApp – +231-7757-89662
Signal app – +231-7757-89662
VOIP: (248) 594-2609

Ministry Report for January:

4 – Countries (Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Liberia)
7 – Bases: 4 in Liberia, 1 in Sierra Leone, 1 in Ivory Coast, 1 in Guinea
25 – Total counties we ministered in
240 – Times we entered communities/villages/towns/cities to minister
43 – Churches we visited and worked with
0 – Churches started
145 – Total mission trips
50 – Persons were baptized
571 – Public confessions of Christ and prayers for salvation
20 – Attended our Level 3 class of WBI held in Zwedru, Liberia
1,070 – Attended our 1-3 days workshops-training in 17 locations
5,581 – Viewed the Jesus Film, shown in 45 locations, shown 52 times
5 – Community Radio stations broadcasting on
30 – Dental patients, 35 teeth pulled
9 – Optical clients
37,500 – Press report, Copies printed, 102 manuals made (English and French). Not all copies printed were made into manuals

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