The internet has been a problem for weeks. 4 countries around Liberia were completely cut off from the internet. It is still not working properly, resulting in a late February report.

Jesus’s command is to, “Make disciples of all nations!”

“The one who does the work is only surpassed in value by the one who multiplies the doers.” John R. Mott

Wordsower Africa trains, forms and sends indigenous missionary teams into unreached tribes in Liberia, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Sierra Leone. We also train Americans who want to become missionaries. American missionary interns are assigned for 7-10 months to go through intensive, boots on ground, missionary training.

Introducing Wordsower Africa’s new interns:
Jacob Holms and Silas Motyka

Let me introduce to you our two new interns, Jacob Holms and Silas Motyka. They are members of Woodside Bible Church in Michigan. They are scheduled to be with us for 7 months. Each are feeling the call to become missionaries. They come, in faith, love and sacrifice. They come to, “confirm the call.” While here they will minister with several other mission organizations to receive a broad missionary experience. About 1/2 of all new missionaries do not last beyond their first term on the mission field.1 There are many reasons that will cause the death of the new missionary’s vision. One reason is unrealistic expectations of what the mission field is like. When Jacob and Silas have completed their boot camp they will be prepared and knowledgeable of what missionary life is truly like. If you are between the ages of 18 and 80 and are feeling the call then you are also invited.

Silas and Jacob are now Wordsower Africa (WSA) missionaries. In the video below, they were assigned with other WSA missionaries, to work for 2 days putting up a church roof. Later they will participate in the daubing of the church building walls. WSA goes into isolated, remote, churchless, jungle villages where we evangelize, disciple and train pastoral leaders. Once a congregation has formed, we will assist in the start of their church structure.   

Watch on YouTube

Introducing our short-term mission team:
John Moeller, Bruce Toal and Scott Grube

We receive short-term mission teams. Usually, trips last 2 weeks. John, Bruce and Scott all come from the Dayton, Ohio region. They did evangelism, fed the poor, showed the Jesus film and assisted in church building construction. They ministered in a prison, refugee camp, and went to multiple villages deep within the rain forest.

We are now preparing for more short-term teams to come in November and December of this year. We have room for you to join one of our short-term teams. Pray and see if our Lord would have you come.  

The Short-term mission team and the interns ministered in a refugee camp.

The UN Refugee Camp called PTP is now over 10 years old. Our neighbor, Ivory Coast had a civil war. Many thousands crossed the river wounded and traumatized into Liberia. The UN faithfully supported them for many years but have pulled out of the camp. The thousands left behind have transformed the camp into a town. O, do they suffer! Those who suffer the most are the handicapped. WSA goes every month, in love and compassion, to provide food for the handicapped there. Compassion gives them what they want, food, so that we can also give them what they need, eternal salvation! Jesus said, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4. He also said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry.” John 6:35. We provide bread for the body, the temporary, and present to them the Bread of life, the eternal.

Watch on YouTube

Secret Societies and the Gospel in Makorogbo Village of Sierra Leone

Makorogbo is (was) a churchless and unreached village that is occupied by the Limba and Themne people and it is believed to be the headquarters of three different secret societies. A few years back, several missionaries and evangelists tried to enter the village with the gospel but failed due to the constant refusal of the society leaders.

Glory be to God we were accepted and allowed today to share the gospel in Makorogbo Village.

There is no power above the Lord. We evangelized and showed the Jesus film in the local language of Limba. While showing the Jesus film, an elderly woman Aminata Conteh, leader of the women’s society told us that, there are 125 women and girls in the society bush undergoing initiation but not allowed to come out to watch the Jesus film. Later, we heard many loud voices from the society bush shouting, “We want to watch the Jesus film!! Come put us out!!” But their leaders paid no attention to them.

After showing the Jesus Film, we slept in Makorogbo Village. Early the next morning, after devotions, we baptized 75 people. It was the first of its kind in this village ruled by the evil secret society.

We have returned to Makorogbo Village 5 Sundays in a row having church services in front of a house of one of the new converts. Attendance has increased to 107! Three of the converts are undergoing training to be the spiritual leaders of the village.

We are now preparing a site for the very first church building to ever be constructed in Makorogbo Village! Wordsower Sierra Leone is making the gospel available to every person for the Glory of God. Everybody, everywhere needs to hear the gospel. We are moved as led by the Spirit of God in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

A few statistics about missions:1

Participate with us in praise and prayer:

Information about Donations:

100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January. Kim Smith is fully self-funded; no donations are used for his support. We have formed a new 501c3 tax deductible organization. Woodside Bible Church has allowed us to use their 501c3 until we had formed our own.

Online Donations:

Postal Donations:
Please make checks payable to Wordsower Africa and mail to:
Wordsower Africa
P.O. Box 1112
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

For questions or problems with donations contact our board treasurer:
Bryan Bame: (248) 971-3650.

Kim Smith’s contact information is:
WhatsApp – +231-7757-89662
Signal app – +231-7757-89662

In February We Did:

4 – Countries (Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Liberia)
7 – Bases: 4 in Liberia, 1 in Sierra Leone, 1 in Ivory Coast, 1 in Guinea
23 – Total counties we ministered in
276 – Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in
83 – Churches we visited and worked with
153 – Total mission trips
5 – Churches started
319 – Persons were baptized
679 – Public confessions of Christ and prayers for salvation
80 – WBI attended Level-2 training in Sinje, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia
34 – WBI attended Leve- 2 training in Nezobly, Cavally Region, Ivory Coast
390 – Attended our 1-3 days trainings in 13 locations.
9,553 – Viewed the Jesus Film, 53 locations and 65 times shown.
5 – Community Radio stations broadcasting on
21 – Dental patients, 20 teeth pulled
14 – Optical clients, 6 gasses service, 3 clients sent to see specialist at the public hospital
28,800 – Press report, Copies printed, 460 booklets made (English and French)

Financial report:


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