“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20

In December, in our unity, we obediently followed His command:

Our Lord’s Church can do more, much more. This, 4 ½ minute, video gives an overview of today’s church and the command of Christ to reach the world. From the video we see that there needs to be adjustments made in His Church.

Watch on YouTube

This past year many individuals and organizations donated to WSA. It was because of donors, His Church united, that we were able to do so much. Here is a specific thank you video to one of those donors. The 5 ½ minute video thanks the Collective, a young adult ministry, for purchasing motorbikes for us for the third time.

Watch on YouTube

Pyne’s Town has been a powerful stronghold of the demonic Animistic society. Your donations have allowed us to assist them in the construction of the church building and to be able to send WSA workers. Former rebel fighters and Animistic society leaders have left their violent and demonic past and are now church members and leaders. This, 3 ½ minute, video allows you to visually experience the fruit of your participation. As they rejoice in the work, rejoice with them.

Watch on YouTube

Testimonies from our bases

(Testimonies have been lightly edited)
Monthly, we receive many testimonies, these are a sampling.

“We thank God for the marvelous work done today in the churchless village of Mabai. 185 people attended the training today. Many testimonies were heard from the participants during the training. We first entered the village December 9, 2023. We have baptized 107 people in the village. The town chief and the imam were present in the training. Everybody everywhere needs to hear the gospel. Glory be to God for everything.”

“We showed the Jesus film in the unreached churchless village of Makorogbo. This village and region is a powerful Animistic society stronghold. More than 300 people viewed the Jesus film. 125 women and girls were denied from watching because they had been taken into the society bush to be initiated…This morning, we hosted a morning devotional service and shared the gospel with them. A few of the women ran out from the society bush and joined us in the devotion. After the devotion, we walked down the creek and baptized 57 people who willingly confessed Jesus and accepted him as Lord and Savior. It takes the special grace of God for a traditional society man or woman to repent and accept Jesus Christ and be baptized. The scripture says, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. We are fearlessly moving with the gospel of our Lord Jesus. People don’t baptize casually because they know that great personal persecution awaits them.”

“Praise God for His wonder in the life of this woman:
This woman was bold this morning and said to us, and to others, that only Christ Jesus can give humankind salvation. This afternoon, she called us and said that she had finally decided to be baptized. Immediately, we took her to the creek and baptized her. This lady is from a Muslim background. She admitted that she would face prosecution from her family. She asked the Wordsower Africa family to pray with her while she transformed from her religion. She said, her family would hate her, and deny her properties. She also said that all in all, Christ is the best property to own.”

“Were led and moved by the Holy Spirit, day and night. The Spirit led us to one of the unreached villages called Kagbaneh. We preached the gospel, after that, we showed the Jesus film to 250. Many people gave their lives to Christ Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord. Immediately, this morning, we were able to baptize 80. We do as instructed, by Christ Jesus, in Matthew 28:18-20, and by Paul, in Romans 10:15-17. Please be in prayer for them and be in prayer with us while the mission is ongoing.”

“Glory be to God almighty. Yesterday the Holy Spirit led us to a village called Worrah Bana, where we were able to show the Jesus film. It takes the grace of God for a village of an unreached tribe to allow us to enter. We slept in the village and were able to baptize 25 people. please be in prayer with us for the continuation of the mission and also for the new converts who accept Christ as their personal savior and Lord.”

Participate with us in praise and prayer:

New Information about Donations:

100% of all donations go to the mission. None is used for administration. Tax-deductible receipts will be sent each January. Kim Smith is fully self-funded; no donations are used for his support.

We have formed a new 501c3 tax deductible organization. Woodside Bible Church has allowed us to use their 501c3 until we had formed our own. Donations may still be received the former way.

Online Donations:

Postal Donations:
Please make checks payable to Wordsower Africa and mail to:
Wordsower Africa
P.O. Box 1112
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

For questions or problems with donations contact our board treasurer:
Bryan Bame: (248) 971-3650.

Kim Smith’s contact information is:
WhatsApp – +231-7757-89662
Signal app – +231-7757-89662

In December We Did:

4 – Countries (Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Guinea and Liberia)
7 – Bases: 4 in Liberia, 1 in Sierra Leone, 1 in Ivory Coast, 1 in Guinea
20 – Total counties we ministered in
211- Total communities/villages/towns/cities we ministered in
30 – Churches we visited and worked with
107 – Total mission trips
2 – Churches started
278 – Persons were baptized
581- Public confessions of Christ and prayers for salvation
47 – WBI attended Level 4 training in Blolequin, Ivory Coast
610 – Attended our 1-3 days workshops-training in 8 locations.
7,823 – Viewed the Jesus Film, 32 locations and 41 times shown.
5 – Community Radio stations broadcasting on
17 – Dental patients, 18 teeth pulled.
50,100 – Press report, Copies printed, 343 booklets made (English and French)

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