A confirmation! A miracle? Our Lord is with us!

 A confirmation! a miracle? Our Lord is with us! “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” Isa 65:24 We have a machine that makes plates for our printing press.  It can also be used to print book covers for our manuals and be used as a copier.  I was […]

February 2016 Update

It is with great sorrow I write you the supporters of WSL.  We have made mistakes.  We put base leaders in position without enough monitoring, checks and balances.  We trusted their integrity, honesty and word too much.  Some of us on the WSL board have worked together with them for 10 years.  We were shocked to […]

The Lamb's War and His disciples

Brothers and Sisters of our Lord and Savior, A new year has arrived.  We have much to be thankful for.  Thank you for another year of prayer and support for our mission here in Liberia. Our unity and your prayers are a great blessing to me.  Thank you!  God has and is creating a team […]

The Lamb's War in Liberia

Welcome to the Lamb’s War in Liberia Hello, It has been a long time since I have sent out a blog or communicated.  As the Liberians say, “It is not easy here.”  I am just regaining strength for a simultaneous combination of Malaria, Typhoid, worms and a cold.  For at least a week I was […]

Palace Prison

Hello, it has been a long, long time since I have written.  I returned to Liberia on May 1.  It is good to be back.  I spent last Sunday at the Palace and wanted to write about it: A day in the Palace of Liberia The Palace Correctional Institution is Liberia’s highest security prison that houses the most […]

USA Schedule

Well I have been in the USA now for about 2 months.  It has been confirmed by the medical professionals that I am safe, non-contagious and disease free.  I would like to meet with all who have been supporting us with prayers and donations.     I will be doing presentations about our work in Liberia.  […]

Christmas in Liberia

From my journal – December 26, 2014:“Christmas is very different here in Liberia.  There are no Christmas trees, no gifts wrapped or a special morning to excitedly wake up to.  But, the kids have a good time!  Those who can afford will buy their kids new clothes and shoes (often these clothes are US Goodwill […]

Recent Journal Entry

I usually live in a state of overflowing joy, peace, contentment and fulfillment, but not always.  I want to share a recent entry in my journal: Saturday, Nov 1:  My Spirit is not correct.  For 2 days my morning time with our Lord, prayer and scripture has been interrupted.  I am out of sorts.  I […]

5 Great Question of Life

5 great questions of life:   Origin – Where did we come from?  Identity – Who are we?   Meaning – Why are we here?   Morality – How should we live?    Destiny – Where are we going?        What keeps us from going deep into these crucial questions?  What eats our […]

Update on Refugees from Kim Smith

June 20th was World refugee Day. 80,000 – 100,000 of them are in Liberia with more coming every day. These Ivorian refugees have flooded into a country, just from war, that is not even able to even feed its own. Several camps that we have visited each have 1000’s of refugees. 1000’s have been in the camps for weeks […]